Don’t worry; you’re not going to ‘mess up’ your G/T kid. Here is some guidance you might not hear elsewhere. And remember, you are qualified and ready for this journey.
Parents I speak with are often reluctant to tell their children they’re gifted. But when it comes to raising gifted kids, the most important thing to remember is to trust your instincts.
The typical gifted experience magnifies struggles with approach and behavior over a child’s strengths. We should encourage gifted tendencies — rather squelch them — because they are difficult to harness.
Your kid’s education has been turned upside down. Heed these tips to keep your head on straight and theirs, too.
2020 has been a whirlwind of a year. But there are lessons to be learned from the unexpected twists and turns of the current pandemic — lessons about adaptability, flexibility, and resilience — that can teach us about the unique opportunity of raising a gifted child.
Most children, especially those who have not yet reached puberty, are concrete thinkers. They will absorb your words as reality. You can help your children feel safe and thrive by carefully discussing with them new realities.
The upcoming school year will bring with it some of the greatest educational challenges many of us have ever faced. Jamie Uphold, our Gifted Youth Program Manager, shared with parents some helpful advice as we attempt to navigate what will surely be an unpredictable year.
The pandemic has drafted parents into the flight crew of a half-built plane already mid-air. Reflecting on the wild ride this school year has been, we should take time to enjoy the wins and map out a flight plan for a successful return this fall.
You may think that you’re not showing your stress or worry, but you are, and your children may point out that you’re “not being you,” if given the chance. Your kids already know about your stress. Here’s what you can do to enlist them for support.
It can feel like the world has been turned upside down — doubly so for parents trying to juggle remote work, distance learning, and everyday life. To help, we've put together 10 tips for parents battling the quarantine crazies.
With a little knowledge, creativity, and ingenuity, you can transform ordinary lessons into rich learning opportunities, making the most of your child’s time outside the classroom.
With kids of out of school and parents searching for at-home learning options, these tips and resources can help them make the most of their hiatus from the classroom.
Living room turned into a makeshift classroom? We’re here to help with hand-selected lessons and activities for cooped-up kids.
As the need lessens for English speakers to acquire a second language to be able to communicate when traveling or conducting business, the research on the advantages to multilingualism is deepening, broadening, and gaining traction.
The gifted and talented world can be difficult to understand, in part, because there are no set definitions of the terms. Here, we explore what it means to be gifted/talented, the difference between GT and “high achieving,” and whether you should tell your child they’re gifted.
GT educations comes with its own unique language, and without a guide it’s not hard to get lost. Our gifted glossary includes the commonly used expressions and terms you’re likely to encounter as you navigate the world of GT.