Young Mensan Magazine is a free quarterly magazine designed to help Young Mensans connect and share their interests.
The magazine also publishes puzzles; poems; book, movie and game reviews; and essays about favorite subjects and activities. The most-recent issue is open to the public, but the YM² online archive is available only to current Mensa members.
In addition to stories, recipes, poetry, essays, and other items submitted by Young Mensans, each issue contains the following features:
Have you ever had the experience of finding some random, strange fact and you just wanted to share it with someone? Well, here’s your opportunity! Young Mensans love random facts, and we want to read yours. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Do you have a question you’d like answered? We’ve got other YMs standing by, ready to share their advice with you. Would you like another perspective on something that’s troubling you with school, homework, siblings, other family, friends, teachers or anything else? Send them to us! If you see advice printed that you’d like to add to, we’ll take that, too!
Young Mensans love jokes, and we love to share them.
Reviews for the books read by Young Mensans who participate in the Book Parade program are published in YM².
Young Mensans are doing all sorts of interesting things. If you are (or know) a Young Mensan with an interesting story to tell, we’d love to hear about it.
Contributors must be members of American Mensa and should be under 18 years of age. They can submit any writing they've done, jokes they've made up or tricky pieces of trivia they’ve found. If you're a current Young Mensan, send your content to YM². Include the full name and age of the submitter, and preferably their membership number as well.